Saturday, April 10, 2010

Clash of the Titans

The original (1981) version of Clash of the Titans is one of those films that shaped my childhood, alongside Star Wars, The Godfather, Doctor Zhivago, Gone With the Wind, and Ben Hur. When I heard that a remake was going to be released, I was initially excited. However, after hearing the not-so-good reviews from friends who've seen it, I became apprehensive albeit still excited to see it.

Purists would undoubtedly dislike this film, for apart from the names of the characters and the general direction of the plot, the film undeniably deviated from the Perseus myth. I admit, this was disappointing - if the writers would change the essence of the story, why not just make a new one? Greek myths are rife with prophecies of fathers supplanting sons, jealous goddesses venting their wrath on poor mortals, and meddling Olympians, yet we see almost none of these themes in this remake. Indeed this film shouldn't even be called a remake, for it barely resembles the original film.

True, there were great visuals and effects, but this is hardly surprising in this day and age. This could not make up for the simplistic plot and weak dialogue. I went into the theater telling myself to not expect too much, given the bad reviews I've heard, but even with my lowered standards I couldn't help but feel cheated of my 200 bucks. Perhaps I should have waited for this film to be shown on HBO.

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